MY New Look!

Yes. I have been given doctor's orders to wear a mask. It was super fun getting my prescription in Rite Aid, looking like death AND wearing a face mask. I was not making eye contact with ANYONE and I'm pretty sure everyone was running in the opposite direction from me.

This is probably a more appropriate post for the other blog but I'm too lazy to log in and blah blah blah. I have the flu. Just the regular flu, not swine flue (although they don't really do the "test" anymore to see if it is or not) so really it's just a guess, but I'll go with it. I have to say it's pretty miserable. I don't think I've ever had the real flu before so it's a new experience and one I hope to never repeat. But I probably won't ever get the flu shot so it's a real possibility I'll get it again....but I've gone this long, right???
But for reals, I DID get a new look!
I've been long overdue for a hair cut (try a YEAR) so I finally had a chance to do it last week. I thought about doing Locks of Love but I chickened out. (I've only had shorter hair once in college and I totally regret it. even though this would have been for a totally worthy cause....)
I can't wait to actually fix it myself. Haven't had a chance since I've been "mostly dead" (name that movie!! a true depiction of my state....) since Saturday. Hopefully tomorrow! Here are a couple terrible and horrific before pictures. I wanted to take them when my hair was wet right out of the shower but I got to doing "mom" stuff and it was partially dry without any product in it....not a pretty sight. But oh well.
I realize now that I could have done the Locks of Love thing, but I figured if I started out by saying "10 inches ONLY, please" it would end up more like 15. SO here I am 10-12 inches later (and lighter!) anyway:
The base is my "natural color" (you can never really go back...) with full highlights throughout. It's fun and my pony is SUPER short....I don't remember the last time my ponytail didn't touch my shoulders! Big step, but I needed a change. That and my hair grows like a weed so I'll be back to long before I know it! :)


wow your hair cut looks beautiful!!! You really are a very pretty lady!
Katy said…
I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! It is a new cute look for you. You would look great no matter what but the color is awesome and the layers look fabulous! Great work. You should be very happy with it. Sorry about the flu. :(

A Roper said…
Love the hair! Hate the flu! :( Get well soon!!! Does your MIL have the girls????
The Good Life said…
Chelsey you're hot even "mostly dead." Is that a quote from princess bride? I love your hair. Hope you feel better soon.
Steph said…
Sorry about that bummer flu, but I LOVE the hair!!
Thanks gals! I think I am really going to like it! Amy, my MIL watched the girls on Sunday when I was at my worst, but because of her health she can't watch them too much. Tony went to work later yesterday and has filled in on making them food and doing the dishes so that's helped too. Spring, yes you are correct about the movie! Good job! And thankfully the mask covers most of my face during my 'mostly dead' moments. But thanks! ;)
Ashley A. said…
Gorgeous Chelsey! I love it. I desperately need a haircut too.

Sorry about the flu. If you need a break give me a call and I can watch your girls!
Ahren said…
The new hairdo looks fabulous! I'm sorry you've got the flu! Hope you feel better soon!
Nat said…
WOW! You could be a model, and not just for face masks! Your hair is gorgeous, and I love the cut!
Yani said…
YOu look so beautiful , totally love it! I am sorry about the flu..I also need a change, I have had long hair forever!
Katie said…
It looks fabulous! I need a haircut so bad but its so hard to find 3 hours in a day to devote to getting my hair cut and colored...grrrrrr.... Its about as long as your was and I NEVER DO IT EITHER. So sad because it could probably look fantastic if I had an hour everyday to devote to it. Alas, I do I need to CUT IT!
I have always loved your hair! I wish my hair would grow like that!! My hair has been the same length since highschool!
Marin said…
That is awesome that you wore the mouth guard to the store!!! BUt soo yucky, so sorry about the flu. Oh i just hate throwing up. I did it over Christmas break and it was horrible. BUt YES I LOVE LOVE LOVE Your hair!!! Where did you get it done?? I actually want to chop mine again even though it is barely to my shoulders. I just can't get myself to grow it. As soon as it is on my neck i just gooooo crazy and want to put it up. Your hair is sooo beautiful though!!! Great cut!

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