Birthday and Mother's Day----BACK POST
I started this on May 26th but never finished it. Sorry so late. So here goes: I had a fabulous birthday this year. I am 27 years old now! Weird. Getting older doesn't really bother me. It's just weird to realize you are a certain age, whatever it might be. It's kinda fun to me, actually. I've always been one that couldn't wait until I was 'older'. I hung out with older kids when I was younger and always idolized my older sisters. I guess that is all still true. I married someone older and I suppose I can always take solace in the fact that he will always be 3+ years older than me. :D (Love you, dear!) Thank you for the beautiful roses. They were a creamy pink with a hint of a darker pink in the center around the outer edges of each petal. Here is a picture, even though it's hard to tell the colors: .................................................................................................... For mother's day, we made the treck home to see my ...