I've been keeping track---
And I've had nearly 100 visits to the blog since my last post. That's a lot. HOWEVER>>>> only ONE person has done my memory thing. SO, I ask....
I've been hearing a lot of stories about people impersonating people (especially targeting people with multiples) on other websites/blogs/chat rooms/message boards going as far to steal their photos and stories and basically pretending to be them. It sort of freaks me out. On one hand, I think, what harm could it really do? But on the other hand, I think, what kind of sicko-s would do that?? It's just plain weird and creepy.
So now I ask...should the blog go private? Or not? There are so many reasons for it to stay open---we want to welcome any visitors to our blog and would love to share what's going on in our world. But I also don't want to be taken advantage of in any way. My family is the most precious thing to me and to think of them being exploited for someone's sick enjoyment is just heartbreaking.
So what should I do? I don't think I know 100 people that would visit my blog, honestly. So either start posting to the 'memory' entry or I might have to go private....which I don't want to do!!
I am going to put up a poll so, please, even if you are just a lurker, VOTE! I really want to know what you think!
I've been hearing a lot of stories about people impersonating people (especially targeting people with multiples) on other websites/blogs/chat rooms/message boards going as far to steal their photos and stories and basically pretending to be them. It sort of freaks me out. On one hand, I think, what harm could it really do? But on the other hand, I think, what kind of sicko-s would do that?? It's just plain weird and creepy.
So now I ask...should the blog go private? Or not? There are so many reasons for it to stay open---we want to welcome any visitors to our blog and would love to share what's going on in our world. But I also don't want to be taken advantage of in any way. My family is the most precious thing to me and to think of them being exploited for someone's sick enjoyment is just heartbreaking.
So what should I do? I don't think I know 100 people that would visit my blog, honestly. So either start posting to the 'memory' entry or I might have to go private....which I don't want to do!!
I am going to put up a poll so, please, even if you are just a lurker, VOTE! I really want to know what you think!
Um, I say if you're worried, take off "incrimiating" stuff like last names, even the city you live in or whatever. But if you decide to go private, it's all good; just invite me in. :)
So I went public again, but I made my blog not searchable and gave my family nicknames... cept for Jer and I (our names are quite common so I don't worry too much).
Just a thought if you are worried about psychos :)
This might help you feel better, it tells you who is looking and where they are coming from. I haven't heard anything about people stealing other peoples sites and pictures, maybe I want to know more or not...hum,
Anyways...I just wanted to comment because I often wonder the same thing...who is reading this and why? And lets just hope they are normal women like you and me just hopping around looking for advice, ideas, and some laughs!
Your girls are adorable by the way!
How are you? I hope well and happy!!