{{ BOO! }} Halloween 2010

I tried reeeealllly hard to convince my little angels to wear any other costume.

I even came up with some pretty clever ideas...
But, alas. They only had eyes for everything PRINCESS

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Disney and girly princess stuff...but it's just so.....cliche, ya know?? Every other 3/4/5/6 year old girl dresses up like some sort of Disney princess, with varying stylized costumes. I don't want my girls or anyone else to think their "Belle" costume is better or worse than any other. And, most kids say stuff, not knowing they are being rude or mean...kids just say things. They are honest. Not that any of this happened, but it just makes me uncomfortable. That's why I always prefer costumes of the "homemade" variety. Guaranteed to be original.

Anyway, that was a long tangent. Back to the reason for this post----Halloween! And the girlies!

They all decided long before Halloween who they wanted to be.

L to R:

Ashleigh=Ariel (or, as she says, Ahrr-ienn); Avery=Tinkerbell; Jordyn=Belle.

It was fun to get them all ready---and of course they LOVED wearing make-up like mommy. I found some cheap-o slippers at the dollar store for them each to wear. But they didn't have yellow or gold or even red for "Belle" so I took the pink slippers outside and spray painted them with a gold metallic color. It actually worked. They looked more "aged bronze" than gold, but they were much better than pepto bismol pink. Jordyn's hair was super fun to do. It was weird doing such a "grown-up" style on her but I think it looked exactly like Belle's, even if I do say so myself.
Avery has always had a pixie-ish look about her, so her costume and hair fit her perfectly.
She looked so cute. I LOVE this picture. That sweet little pixie face!!
Then there is Ashleigh. My mom helped make the top and "fins" for Ariel and I made a quick sea-shell "bikini" using a toddler sized coconut bra, some scraps of fabric and some ribbon. I think it turned out cute. And no one else in the world has the same thing, that's for sure. haha!
That wig was something else. It had been stored in a box for several years, so it was looking a little haggard. My mom and I both worked on it to get it looking decent, but all that matters is Ashleigh loved it. I mean, LOVED it. She was convinced she was "Ahrr-ienn". And it was good comic relief for me. So, win-win. :)
It was a whirlwind week of fun and we are already looking forward to next year!

Happy Halloween!!!


Melissa said…
Your girls are so cute! They look darling in their costumes! Good wok!
Ashley A. said…
Ah that hair just cracks me up. :) They all look so beautiful and their costumes did just seem to fit their personalities, too. What little beauties!
blooming bride said…
oh wow... i just love fairies! :)

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