I Made a Boo-Boo....

Hi Everyone!

In my haste to update the blog, I forgot to copy and paste my BlogRoll before that widget was deleted. Yikes!!

So here's your chance!

If you want to be super cool and awesome, give me your blog address and I'll add you to my NEW, AMAZING BlogRoll!! :)

Just kidding. You are all super cool anyway.

::but I want to blog-stalk you:: heeheehee

So leave it in the comments section or on the new ChatBox. (Or do both! I'm anxious to see how this ChatBox thing works!)

I know I could just go to the blogs I somehow remember, look at their lists, copy those blogs down, add them to my list and blah blah blah. But why go to all that trouble when you guys could do the work for me?? ; )

Thanks for helping me correct my mistake!

Have a great day!


Your new blog looks great! I love the header. I wish I had your mad skills!!:)
Nat said…
Look! I'm already on there! YAY! By the way, you rock. End of story.
Ashley A. said…
Ours is atkinfamily.blogspot.com. I love the new look!
The Good Life said…
Ours is http://thegoodlife-live-learn-laugh-love.blogspot.com/
Cute new look! I am excited for your new crafty blog.
Chalei said…
Hi Chelsey your blog is very cute!Hope your all doing well. love ya!
Rob & Karli said…
I have no idea what you're talking about, but we are at eagars.blogspot.com
Your blog looks great!
I love the new background Chels! So so cute! So I want to call you, when is the best time for you to chat?? Oh and our blog is tysonandrachelle.blogspot.com
breymom said…
It's me love the blog and my address is breymom.blogspot.com
Jan said…
Hi Chelsey - here I am



p.s. always LOVE the pictures of your 3 little darlings!
Alison said…
How do you change your header like that and how did you make your Christmas card? You are so good with the crafty stuff. You can find us at

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