
New Year=New Blog

(Even though 2009 is not so new anymore. Where did January go? Can anyone tell me???)

The girls are another year older and it's about time to update the blog background and header. I've been working on this for a year off and on, but just haven't gotten it right--until now! SO---I'm unveiling the "new" blog! Although, don't get your heart set on anything fantastic. I am just really slow. :/

I've decided to try and update the header with more recent pics as the year goes on...maybe with the change of seasons. No promises, because blogging has to take a back seat to my crazy life more often than not. But I'm gonna try!

I've also started a personal blog "I'm No Expert" so please check that whenever you feel you have the time! It will be my crafty (or not so crafty-depending on the situation), creative and other miscellaneous postings blog. (I will still post about our kids and our family on this blog but everything else will be on the other one. Clear as mud, right?)

I don't know how I'm going to keep TWO blogs updated when I haven't been able to keep up with ONE, but I'm going to make it a goal! Let me know what you think! I'm excited for this fresh new start in a brand new year!


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