OK, I confess.....
My title is a little misleading. This post will contain no talk of spooks or turkey.

But it DOES entail another 'smilebox' slide show of this year's Halloween and a short recounting of Thanksgiving.

Sorry to get anyone's hopes up....

Here's the slide show (Smilebox is my new fave. So cute and easy. And free. FREE!!)

Click to play Halloween '08
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Thanksgiving is a great time to reflect upon all the things that we can all be 'thankful' for. I don't even think I can list them all. But the the thing I am most grateful for is my family. Without them, I would have nothing. I have a great and oh-so-helpful husband, adorable children (who are healthy!) and a loving extended family that is always there to lend a helping hand or postive reinforcement when I need it. This Thanksgiving was especially hard to be away from my side of the family for some reason, but I know I will see them soon. {Well, sometime in the next year ;) } But I love them all and I am so THANKFUL for them.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the year and Holiday Season! I can't believe that Christmas is 24 days away and the girls will be TWO YEARS OLD just a short two days later! Holy Moly. Where does the time go??

I must aways remember to cherish every moment, because it truly just flies by.


Nat said…
I love your little smilebox thing! So cute. I also can't believe that your girls will be 2 soon! I didn't think they were that close in age to Troy for some reason (he turned 2 in Aug.). Crazy!
Jan said…
Don't you truly love Smilebox? I also love Scrapblog - also free - takes a little more time, but also gives you a little more freedom and creativity. Your triplets are darling!
Ahren said…
So cute. I love the pictures of your girls working in daddy's office. So precious!
You look beautiful as ever, even as a witch!
I loved all the Halloween pics! Chels, you look great! You look like a super model in the pic with you and the girls! Way to go! Hope you and your family have a great Christmas!!!

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