FALL 2008

Click to play *FALL 2008*
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Super cute! So glad you were able to get out to the pumpkin patch!

Did you do all of that through Smilebox or do you have digital scrapbooking software? Way cute!
Katy said…
So fun!
Great pages! I'm impressed.
Nat said…
So cute! You're so artsy! And your girls are getting so big!
Jan said…
Cute, cute, cute! Don't you love Smilebox? Have you discovered Scrapblog, which is a neat digital scrapbooking program - free???? Your girls are darling!
Lindsay said…
Hey Chelsey, I found your blog on Brittany's and was wondering if it was the same Chelsey from high school and it is. I hope you don't mind me taking a peek at you darling family. It's fun to see where everyone is and what they are doing now. :)

Lindsay Wallace Ravsten
Ahren said…
I will be forever in awe of you. I'm amazed with your little family of triplets and that you are obviously doing such a great job at being their mom. They are all adorable!

Great to hear from you!

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