Much Anticipated Bloggy Awards!

I won!

(See sticker to the right>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>)

And now I get to do my own nominations!

So here's the lowdown (I plagiarized Nats words because they are so perfectly written):

1. The winners (whomever I nominate) get to put this same little sticker thingy on their blog. It's like the cool club or something.
2. Link back to me, because it's all about internet traffic and about getting more visits to your own blog and to other's. A giving tree of sorts.
3. Nominate 5 other blogs. (This part is going to be hard for me because there are so many stinking good ones out there that I read.)
4. Link up to said awesome blogs.
5. Leave a message on those blogs so they can get all flustered and butterfly-y and blush-y like I did when Nat left a comment saying she nominated me.

And the nominees are: (((drum roll.....)))

1. Katy- Everyone I know 'oohs' and 'ahhs' over her blog and all the "stuff" she creates on there and how great of a photographer and writer she is---including myself! She's also a great friend on top of that. So that is why I am nominating her.

2. Nat- She nominated me and she's received a Bloggy already, but I love reading her posts. She makes me laugh so hard. Her kids are adorable and they get into mischief all the time. Love her.

3. Lianna- A good friend I've known for over 12 years. We've recently reconnected and I've loved reading about her cute family on her blog. She has blown through obstacles with a smile and a positive attitude. She is such an inspiration to me and everyone she knows!

4. Casey- She's another triplet mommy who somehow finds the time to post several times a week, if not every day. She is someone who can understand exactly what I am experiencing and that is such a comfort! Plus, her cute girls crack me up.

5. Gen- She is a quad mommy---need I say more??? I've never actually met her in 'real life' but we belong to the same HOM (high order multiples) group, as does Casey. Her kids are adorable and she seems so kind and optimistic! I hope to meet her some day soon...

Please don't be upset if you are not included on this list. I enjoy everyone's blogs, from simple to extravagent. I love you all and you all deserve awards for being great friends and people who inspire me to be a better person!


Nat said…
Oh Chels! You're so cute! Thanks for nominating me!

I'll have to check out some of the sites of the other bloggers you nominated. Like Gen-4 kids??? At once? I had a dream that that happened to me, and I woke up in a sweat and thanked my lucky stars it wasn't real! :) She must be amazing, just like you!
OH MY GOSH!! Chelsey,I am so honored! THANK YOU!!! What a sweet thing to do. I can't wait to make my list. More importantly.. I can't wait to meet YOU! Thank you so much for including me. I had a hard day and you made me smile from ear to ear!

jodeeharris said…
Chels! hi babe. good to hear from you!! thanks for your kind words. your girls are gorge! i think they look like their mama!
Casey's trio said…
Hey Chelsey!

Thanks so much for the bloggy award..It always make me happy to know that other people enjoy checking in on my crazy girls:)
Hope all is well with you and the family.

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