Using Stanley for Evil....

The girls have figured out how to push Stanley the Snail (referenced here) around and use him to climb up and reach places they aren't supposed to. Here are some photos of the action:

Because of this little trick, they got into the bag of teeny-tiny-itsy-bitsy clear and black rubber bands I use for their hair. A bag of about 500. Not kidding. Literally 500. ALLLLL over my living room floor. They are SO easy to find....not! And OF COURSE they did this as I was getting dressed and about to leave the house---yes, getting dressed AND getting them in the car, pretty much simultaneously. I was overjoyed, as you can imagine.

Clear AND tiny. Bad combo.

Oh, and did I mention this was the SECOND time this happened? Ahh, yes, it was. Apparently I didn't move it far enough out of reach the first time. Yay for me.

And, boy, am I glad I'm not still finding rubber bands every day........


Karebear said…
That sounds like lots of fun finding all those hair elastics. Now, when I heard that they got spilled twice in one day, I really felt sorry for you.
Nat said…
Ugh. I'm so sorry! I hate it when my kids get into something over and over and over, even though I take precautions! Like getting into the flour. Grrr.
Ashley A. said…
I hear you! My kids have also dropped those clear rubber bands on the floor and they are impossible to find. I usually just give up trying to pick them all up. Can I ask where you bought those, too? I haven't been able to find any since we moved here. (I guess I'm a glutton for punishment...they really are the best for little girls' hair, though :)
Lianna said…
I havent checked your blog for awhile I guess! Your girls are getting so big. I cant even imagine having three sets of hands getting into everything!! :)
You have your work cut out for you!!!
Kathy said…
Ohhh! Those little rubber bands are the worst! And dido the comments above!

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