The girls had their first 'official' play date with one of my best friends' little girl, Atlee, when we were in Idaho. They live in Montana now, but Ashley and I were roommates for a couple years in college. We got pregnant at the same time and were only a week apart in due dates! Obviously, I had mine before she did. :) But I consider them the exact same age and couldn't wait for them to all get together. Of course, there wasn't a whole lot of interaction between them aside from the girls stealing her toys and occasionally knocking her over, but I think they liked having another person to play with...or boss around depending on which one of my kids you ask. :D Atlee is so cute and I am so happy we were all able to get together, Ash! I can't wait to see what your little boy is going to look like! I'm so excited for you!



We also had a chance to see my grandparents, albeit briefly. We left the night before around midnight, drove through the night and arrived at my grandparents house in Ogden, Utah around 11 AM the next morning. As you will see by the pictures, the girls were thrilled. I can't blame them. Poor things. 11 hours is a long time in a car seat (minus a couple quick diaper/outfit changes).

....All while she and Jordyn screamed and Avery just stared at Gramps.
The girls had their first 'official' play date with one of my best friends' little girl, Atlee, when we were in Idaho. They live in Montana now, but Ashley and I were roommates for a couple years in college. We got pregnant at the same time and were only a week apart in due dates! Obviously, I had mine before she did. :) But I consider them the exact same age and couldn't wait for them to all get together. Of course, there wasn't a whole lot of interaction between them aside from the girls stealing her toys and occasionally knocking her over, but I think they liked having another person to play with...or boss around depending on which one of my kids you ask. :D Atlee is so cute and I am so happy we were all able to get together, Ash! I can't wait to see what your little boy is going to look like! I'm so excited for you!
Nothing brings folks together like FOOD! :)
(yes, they are the same age, my child's gargantuan cranium is just that much bigger)
We had our good friend Boo over for dinner when his wife was out of town and the girls took to him right away. Even Jordyn, 'Miss Stranger Danger', climbed up on his lap and just chilled with him for a good 20+ minutes. She later realized she was not with mommy or daddy and screamed. But up until then it was great! Haha :)
When we were in Idaho, we also stayed with our friends the Silcocks who live in Declo. They were such gracious hosts and we couldn't have asked for more. I know that we brought craziness upon craziness to their home, but they were so understanding and helpful. The girls loved playing with Shaeley, Colby, Cal and luckily they didn't have much contact with new baby Axle (because we are just learning 'soft' and tend to be that not so much). I got my first sunburn of the year (luckily minor) watching Colby's t-ball game, and we were lucky enough to be there when Shaeley had a dance recital. Both did so great!! Here are a couple pictures of the Declo fun! :) (apparently Avery was with Julie, Ax and Shaeley because none of them made any pictures...sorry guys!)
We also had a chance to see my grandparents, albeit briefly. We left the night before around midnight, drove through the night and arrived at my grandparents house in Ogden, Utah around 11 AM the next morning. As you will see by the pictures, the girls were thrilled. I can't blame them. Poor things. 11 hours is a long time in a car seat (minus a couple quick diaper/outfit changes).
Ashleigh up....
Ashleigh down....
Ashleigh outta here....
I didn't even get a picture of Gram in all the chaos. They were tired and it was a new place with lots of breakable items just within reach. We said hello, drank some OJ for breakfast ('cuz of course we weren't allowed to leave without eating something). :) I love them so very much and it means everything for them to see us and the girls, even if for just a few minutes.