Wow. They're already 10 months old TODAY. It has gone so fast and yet been so long at the same time.

We went to the doctor for a check-up and all is well! Jordyn is 21lbs.10oz. and 28 1/4 inches, Ashleigh is 19lbs.2oz. and 26 1/2 inches, and Avery is bringing up the rear at 17lbs.5oz. and 26 3/4 inches long. They got their flue shots and did very well with that.

Jordyn and Avery are starting to test their limits--in every way imaginable!! Jordyn is starting to understand the word 'no' and Avery just smiles at you while doing exactly what she's not supposed to. They are both trying to stand and take steps on their own which is so fun and scary at the same time. Ashleigh has taken her first crawling steps and we are so proud of her advancements.

My parents came into town last wednesday and we went to a little place called Apple Hill. It's a bunch of apple orchards all in one big area. There were little craft booths, a pumpkin patch, an animal farm and every apple food imaginable. I had some apple strawberry rhubard pie and it was goooood. I bought some apple raspberry syrup and my mom made me some waffles with fresh raspberries and the syrup this morning and holy moly! so good.

I took some pictures this week---the first in a while so here is one:

go steelers!

I will try to get some more soon.

Halloween pictures to come too!


Katy said…
Your kids are so cute. Yum... your description of Apple Hill sounds very appealing! Maybe because I am hungry and wish dinner would just appear without my involvement. Bless mothers who come and fix the best meals ever for us!

Casey's trio said…
Love the Cindy Loo-hoo ponytails...we went through that stage also!

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