Bree's Birthday Fun!

The girls' friend Brianna had her fourth birthday party at Fairytale Town a couple weeks ago and it was so cute and so fun. We had never actually been there before so I didn't exactly know what to expect but I knew they would love it. They had snacks and cake and ice cream inside the "princess castle" then everyone was free to run around the park all day. We sure had a great time and the girls did not want to go home for naps! Thanks for inviting us Bree and Fam! We will miss you!

Sitting on the big throne bench inside the castle:
Ashleigh was being photogenic that day: Too bright for pictures....

Avery riding the rabbit:

Jordy joined her:
Then Ash had to get in on the fun! (nice "cheese" face, jord.)
How often can you say you've climbed on a turtle's shell?
I will add more pictures as I get them. Somehow I missed getting some of the birthday girl!


Katy said…
Very cute! Fairy Tale town is great for kids that age... i think Lucy would like it even more now.

Tiffany Kadani said…
So sweet! love that place!

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