
This blog post is dedicated to my girls, all the doctors and nurses who helped them arrive in this world safely and continue to thrive and to all the other little babies who have been born too soon.

I've already mentioned that today is the "National Prematurity Awareness Day" and the March of Dimes "Fight for Preemies" blog post day in this post.

Here are several photos of my babies when they were in the hospital. I couldn't help but cry as I looked through these photos. Such a happy, sad and scary time. And we were some of the 'lucky' ones....
D-DAY 34 weeks and 2 days
(I've had several people ask, so here it is)

Together for the first time since the womb. Avery and Jordyn came home that day, but Ashleigh took a turn for the worse and was in critical condition for two more weeks. Such a bittersweet day.
We are doing well now and have "caught up" in virtually every area.
We are so blessed to have been given the best medical care that helped my babies
live and THRIVE!
We are so grateful for The March of Dimes for all the research they have funded and education provided to help save preemies and untimately prevent premature birth.


Tiffany Kadani said…
What touching pictures. Thank you for sharing!
Ashley A. said…
I got emotional just looking at those pictures. They are beautiful.

And holy cow, you look amazing for giving birth to triplets that day!
Momza said…
It is only when we've passed thru the storm that we see how great God is, and how very strong we truly are.

Ahren said…
What perfect little miracles. Those pictures are all so precious and beautiful.

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