Auntie Tia

We love our Auntie Tia!

We are sooooo happy you came to visit us! Thanks for everything T! Can't wait to see you again. Maybe by then we will be able to say your name and not just the occasional (and frankly accidental) "T". :D Have fun on the road and enjoy the last leg of the tour!

Ashleigh and Tia having fun

Avery and Tia sitting with their blankie cuddling

Jordy and Tia cheezin' it up



Your girls are so dang cute. I'm sure it's like a party all of the time!!!:) Hope you and the kiddies are doing well. I got to see Katy and her new little cute. She is visiting Twin Falls and we were there over the weekend. Fun that it worked out to visit. We talked about how you are our inspiration. When we have hard days...we think of you and the amazing mother you are.
Katie said…
THEY ARE SO ADORABLE! Wow, seriously. You think they'll be ready for nursery? Ha! comes the La Placa girls!
Nat said…
Your girls are so cute!
The Good Life said…
wow! they are so big. Now that cold season is officially over we will have to have play dates! Paige is walking so hopefully they will all be able to play nice. So cute!

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